Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé - refonte 2024
in Répertoire de droit international, Envoi 2024-2
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La nécessité d'un cadre mondial de coopération pour une réglementation durable de la migration de travailleurs
in Revue critique de droit international privé, 2024, no 2, pp. 218 - 231
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Paul Lagarde - Législateur international
in Website GEDIP/EGPIL
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On the Complementarity of Global Hague and Regional and Regional European Unification of Private International Law
in N Raičević & S Marjanović (eds.), Private International Law and International Organizations - achievements and challenges, Proceedings of the 18th Regional Conference on Private International Law 2023
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A view from The Hague
in Journal of Private International Law, 2024,Vol 20, No 3,554-562
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General Synthesis and Future Perspectives
in M. Weller et al., The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention: Cornerstones, Prospects, Outlook, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2023, 355-382
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PIL for a better world: Vision-Reality-Aberration?
in K. Duden (ed.) IPR für eine bessere Welt, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2022, pp. 179-210.
Co-editors: Ralf Michaels & Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm
The Private Side of Transforming our World
in Intersentia, Cambridge etc. , 2021
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Why this Convention?
in Hague Conference on Private International Law, 25 Years of Protecting Children in Intercountry Adoption/ Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé, 2019, p. 8; English
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Requiem or Transformation? Perspectives for the CIEC/ICCS and its Work
in Yearbook of Private International Law, Volume 20 (2018/2019), pp. 73-93
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Embracing Diversity - The Role of the Hague Conference in the Creation of Universal Instruments
in V. Ruiz Abou-Nigm & M. Noodt Taquela (eds.), Diversity and Integration: Exploring Ways Forward, 2019, 31-46
in 張美榕, Meirong Zhang, 中國區際私法之發展與完善──以海牙國際私法會議成果為視角, The Development and Perfection of Chinese Inter-Regional Conflict of Laws From the Perspective of the Achievements of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, Taipei, 2019, Yuanzhao Publishing Company.
The Role of International Organisations Regarding the Codification of Private International Law
in A. Annoni, S. Forlati, F. Salerno (eds.), La Codificazione nell’Ordinamento internazionale e Dell’ Unione Europea/ Codification in International And European Union Law, 2019, pp. 163-182.
Common progress of private international law over the past 30 years
in 过去三十年国际私法之发展——中国、海牙国际私法会议与世界〔荷〕汉斯·范鲁汉斯·范鲁 (著),张美榕(译),吴用(校)(Chinese Review of International Law, 2018, Vol.5, pp.80-86) .
The Global Horizon of Private International Law
in Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de La Haye, Vol.380, Brill, Nijhoff Leiden/Boston 2016, pp.9-108.
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The Global Horizon of Private International Law (en Español) “El Horizonte Global del Derecho Internacional Privado”, 2020
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The Global Horizon of Private International Law (in Chinese) 著,张美榕译,吴用校:《全球视角中的国际私法》, in《国际法 研 (Chinese Review of International Law), 2017 年第六期, vol.6. http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTotal-SKGJ201706001.htm
in 《国际法 研 (Chinese Review of International Law), 2017 年第六期, vol.6.
The Earth is one but the world is not: what role for global and regional unification of Private International law?
in Revista Perspectiva Jurídica Universidad Panamericana, 2014, pp.359-373
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With/avec/con F. Pocar
The 120th anniversary of the Hague Conference on Private International Law
in Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale, Vol. 50, No. 3, p. 517-528, 2014
El derecho internacional privado ante la Corte internacional de Justicia: mirando hacia atrás y mirando hacia adelante
in Anuario español de derecho internacional privado, Vol. 13, 2013, 35-51
The Hague Conference on Private International Law: Asser’s vision and an evolving mission
in NIPR (Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht) Vol. 30, 2012, pp. 358-361; also/ également/ también, in: Hague Yearbook of International Law/ Annuaire de La Haye de droit international, Vol.24, 2012, pp. 3-10.
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in International Family Law, Special Issue in Honour of William Duncan, [2012] IFL, 3-6
HCCH Annual Reports/Rapports annuels/ Informes anuales
in https://www.hcch.net/en/publications-and-studies/publications2/annual-report
Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé
in Répertoire international Dalloz, 2011
The Accommodation of Religious Laws in Cross-Border Situations the Contribution of the Hague Conference on Private International Law
in Cuadernos de derecho transnacional, Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 261-267, 2010
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The Hague Conference on Private International Law – Work in Progress Yearbook PIL
in Sarcevic P., Volken P., Bonomi A. (eds.), Yearbook of Private International Law, 1999 - 2010: 12 (2010), pp. 419 -434; 7 (2005), pp. 240–247; 6 (2004), pp. 237-245; 5 (2003), pp. 169-175; 4 (2002), pp. 219-226; 3 (2001), pp. 237–244; 2 (2000), pp. 169-178; 1 (1999), pp. 205-214.
Legal Diversity in a Flat, Crowded World : the Role of the Hague Conference
in Revue hellénique de droit international, Vol. 62, p. 495-509, 2009
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The Need for Global Co-operation in the Field of Private International Law : India and the Work of The Hague Conference
in International law : issues and challenges, Vol. 2, P. 105-117, Gurgaon : Hope India Publications, 2009
Bridging Cultural Differences between Western and Religious Legal Systems
in Vriesendorp, D., Nelissen F.A., Wladimiroff M., (eds.), The Hague legal capital? : liber in honorem W.J. Deetman, The Hague, Hague Academic Press, pp.. 15-22, 2008
Some Reflections on the Present State of Negotiations/Quelques réflexions sur l'état actuel des négociations du projet sur le jugements
in Hague Conference on Private International Law/Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé, Proceedings of the Nineteenth Session/Actes et Documents de la Dix-neuvième session
in Grandino Rodas J., de Campos Monaco G.F., eds., Conferência da Haia de Direito Internacional Privado: A Participação do Brasil “, Brasilia: Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, Ministério das Relaçoes Exteriores, 2007, pp. XV-XXI (English pp. XXIII-XXVIII).
The Hague Conference on Private International Law
in 2 Hague Justice Journal, 2007, pp. 75-84
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Forty Years of Private International law
in O. Ribbelink (ed.), Forty Years of International Law, T.M.C. Asser Institute, 2007, pp. 15-21
La Conferenza dell’Aia di Diritto Internazionale Privato e il Notariato Latino
in Unione Internazionale del Notariato, Roma, IPSOA, 2007, pp. 5-17
The Hague Conference on Private International Law: An Introduction
in Van Krieken, P.J., & McKay, D., (eds.), The Hague: Legal Capital of the World, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2005, pp. 518-526
Global and Regional Cooperation in the Field of Private International Law: A Challenge for the Hague Conference
in Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law, Vol. 7, 2005, pp. 2-19.
Unification of private international law in a multi-forum context
in Kieninger E.M., (ed.), Denationalisierung des Privatrechts? Symposium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Karl Kreuzer, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005, pp. 33-52.
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The Hague Conference on Private International Law and its Relevance to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
in E. Verhellen (ed.), Understanding Children's Rights, Ghent: Ghent University, 2004, pp. 243-352.
ta Konferencija za Meždunarodno časno pravo v epochata na narastvašča globalizacija i regionalna integracija
in Pravna misăl, Vol. 44, No. 4, p. 45-61, 2003
The Hague Conference on Private International Law: Current problems and perspectives
in La Codificación del Derecho Internacional - Cursos de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales de Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2002, pp. 21-41
International Co-operation and Protection of Children with regard to Intercountry Adoption
in Hague Academy of International Law/ Académie de Droit International de La Haye/ Academia de Derecho Internacional de La Haye Recueil des Cours, Volume 244 (1993-VII), pp. 191-456, 1995.
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The Protection of Children's Rights : in particular from the Point of View of Private International Law : Summary of Course
in D. Bardonnet y A. Cançado Trindade (eds.) Derecho internacional y derechos humanos : libro conmemorativo de la XXIV Sesión del Programa exterior de la Academia de Derecho Internacional de La Haya : San José (Costa Rica) : 24 de abril - 6 de mayo de 1995, pp. 141-174, 2005.
Note of the Permanent Bureau/ Note du Bureau permanent/ Nota de la Oficina Permanente
Note on judicial jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of decisions in matters of succession upon death/ Note sur la compétence judiciaire et la reconnaissance et l’exécution des décisions en matière de successions
in Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé/Hague Conference on Private International Law/Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé, Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session/ Actes et Documents de la Dix-septième session / (1993), Tome I, (1995), pp. 220-227
Report on Intercountry Adoption of Children/ Rapport sur l'adoption d'enfants originaires de l'étranger
in in Hague Conference on Private International Law / Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé, Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session/Actes et documents de la Dix-septième session (1993), Tome II, 1994, pp. 11-119 https://assets.hcch.net/upload/adoption_rpt1990vloon.pdf
Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH)
Feasibility study on the law applicable to contractual obligations / Étude prospective sur la loi applicable aux obligations contractuelles
in Hague Conference on Private International Law / Conférence de la Haye de droit international privé, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Session / Actes et documents de la Quinzième session (1984), Tome I (1986), pp. 98-113 (cf. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session / Actes et Documents de la Dix-septième session (1993), Tome I, pp. 154-157).
Some reflections of the Permanent Bureau on a general convention on enforcement of judgments / Quelques réflexions du Bureau Permanent sur une convention générale sur l’exécution des jugements
in Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé/Hague Conference on Private International Law, Actes et Documents de la Dix-septième session / Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session (1993), Tome I, (1995), pp. 231-239.
Succession in private international law / Droit international privé des successions - Étude prospective
in Hague Conference on Private International Law/ Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Session/Actes et Documents de la Seizième session (1988), Tome II, (1990), pp. 140-161 (Supplementary Notes / Notes complémentaires, ibidem, pp. 106-139, pp.196-201 ; 202-217; 222-231). Proceedings of the Sixteenth Session/ Actes et Documents de la Seizième Session, (1988), Tome II (1990), pp. 140-201;202-217; 221-232
Ter inleiding: iets over de Haagse Conferentie voor Internationaal Privaatrecht en de Haagse Verdragen
in Joppe I.S., de Lange, K.D., Westbroek.W., Twee Haagse Verdragen, Deventer: Kluwer, 1990, pp. 1-10
Quelques réflexions sur l'unification progressive du droit international privé dans le cadre de la Conférence de La Haye
in Erauw J., Bouckaert B., Bocken H., Gaus H., Storme M., (eds.), Liber memorialis François Laurent 1810-1887, Bruxelles : E. Story-Scientia, 1989, pp. 1133-1149.
Die Haager Konferenz und Ihre Bestrebungen zur Reform des Internationalen Erbrechts
in Mitteilungen der Rheinischen Notarkammer, 1989, pp. 9-12
The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons
in Hague Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 2, 1989, pp. 48-66
Towards Unity of Conflict Rules in the Field of Succession upon Death
in International Bar Association (IBA), Section on General Practice, Fourth Conference, Division 5 Papers, Individual Tax and Estate Planning, Wills Trust and their Administration, 1987, pp. 1-12
De Vijftiende Zitting van de Haagse Conferentie voor Internationaal Privaatrecht
in Nederlands Juristenblad, 1985, 573-579.